Monday, March 12, 2012


Exodus 3:1-6; 11-14
(written 1/14/12)

This is the place.

Look down. Look at your feet, then look up. Let's do it again, slowly, look down, look up -- notice we are nodding?

When we awaken, we look down, we look up, we say yes.

Then come the questions -- which are always two-fold -- Who, me? and then, Why ME?

What for? comes later, and the answer, believe it or not, harkens back to the haunting trope of childhood -- for parents and children both: "Because I said so." Or, trust me now. You'll understand later.

We spend the rest our our lives listening and unfolding, saying yes and trust me, trusting and understanding, no matter the doubts, no matter the "Who, Me's?" no matter the whys.

We spend the rest of our lives unfolding. Looking down at HaMakom, the place, taking off our shoes, then looking up to God to see and nod and say yes, no matter how hard this task. This place is sacred. We are sacred, we are unfolding, one into one into one. We and God, God and me and you, you and me and us and God, together, we are all unfolding.

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