Saturday, November 19, 2011

Avram: Promises and Questions

Genesis 15: 1-8
Service: 11/5/11
Leich l'cha

In the moment when we are called forth, to stand in a place we have never seen before, there is both doubt and trust, fear and certainty, unknowing and knowing.

When you feel both simultaneously, that's how you know.

When the vision is really there, alongside the unreality of how, choose faith, like Avram, like Moses, like all of us who have moments of vision, like our great great great greats who left their Egypts in their own time, their own place, only to pass the baton to us, to whomever was there to see in dreams and visions.

In the stars, the night sky, the unknowing of knowing, this where we become holy, where we speak and listen to those who have come before and will come after.

This sky. That sky. Tomorrow's sky. It's all our one eternal sky and we will burn as brightly as we can, with faith and wonder, love and hope, knowing even through the clouds that we can hear, we can listen, we can see and be seen, pick up and pass on, and so we are God-ed and co-created, and we possess the holiest of eternities before we become one. From two-ness becomes oneness. That's how you know.

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