Friday, November 18, 2011

Live, In Order That You Might Live (9/24/11)

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

We do pretty well looking ahead for one or two generations, maybe even three. But twenty? Two hundred? That’s living the way G-d implores…

We must return, again and again and again, to G-d. Fully. Completely. With all our heart and soul!

Here’s the thing – we set up cycles, habits, even genetic traits that are passed on from generation to generation. We do not know our ancestors. Not their names, their habits, their preferences or their heartbreaks. We only know that they loved and served God enough to bring us forth. Somehow we got here.

Here. Now.

Born of unknown ancestry, and yet they (the individuals, the collective) live on in us. And the more we return, open to, accept God, the more we give to future generations to inherit. The land, the landscape, the spirit, the rituals, the habits, the genes, the wealth, the poverty, whatever we were gifted with and all that came before lives in us and through us and on into the vast unknown we call “the future.”

God says, “return to me” and we do, with open hearts, minds, souls, even if it’s all for the future, but also for now. We live for the future but also for now. We live, so that we may live. So that we may grow in our understanding of our place in the chain of ancestry, just like Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Rebecca, Naomi…

The more we live now with God, the more we may live on in the future, through the generations.

So Live!

Open-hearted, open-souled, open-minded, open-spirited living. There is so much to come!

May it all be sweet. Sweet enough to reach those far far ahead whom we will never meet, but they will know anyway. They will know.

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